Course curriculum

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    Module One: Our Stories and Setting the Foundation

    • Opening Prayer

    • Module One: January Live Call 1/23/23

    • Your Story

    • Your Story Meditation

    • January Breathwork [8 mins]

    • January Movement Class [33 minutes]

    • *IMPORTANT* Reflections + Intentions Sheet [please don't skip this part!]

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    Module Two: Your Relationship to Higher Power, The Onion Theory and Intro to Chakras

    • Check-In + Overview of THPA Format

    • January/February Reflections + Intentions Sheet [please don't skip this part!!]

    • Welcome to February | Module Two

    • Module Two Opening Prayer

    • Module Two Welcome Video

    • Lesson: Higher Power

    • Higher Power Meditation

    • Lesson: Onion Theory

    • Onion Theory + Essence Meditation

    • Introduction to the Chakra System

    • Chakra Meditation

    • *IMPORTANT* Reflections + Intentions Sheet [please don't skip this part!]

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    Module Three: Fears + Defences, Sub-Personalities, Limiting Beliefs,

    • Reflections + Intentions Sheet [please don't skip this part!]

    • Welcome to Module Three

    • Module Three Opening Prayer

    • Fears + Defences

    • Fears + Defences Meditation

    • Loving Kindness Meditation

    • Module Three: Judgement Detox

    • Module Three: Sub-Personalities

    • Audio Guidance to Use Sub-Personality Mapping Form

    • Meeting Your Sub-personalities

    • Module Three: Limiting Beliefs

    • March HPA Live Call

    • March Movement Class. Spring: beginnings + endings / charging + releasing

    • *IMPORTANT* Reflections + Intentions Sheet [please don't skip this part!]

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    Module Four: Possibility | Putting it Together | Re-Birth

    • Welcome to Module Four

    • March Reflection + Intention Worksheet

    • Opening Prayer

    • Welcome to Module Four

    • Solar Plexus Meditation

    • Shame

    • Meditation: Healing Shame

    • Audio Lesson: Putting it Together

    • Meditation: Healing The Shadow

    • Recovery Audio

    • HPA April Live Call

    • *IMPORTANT* Reflections + Intentions Sheet [please don't skip this part!]

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    Module Five: ENCHANTMENT

    • Module Five Opening Prayer

    • Module Five Lesson: Presence + Boundaries

    • Boundaries Meditation

    • Clearing Blocks Meditation

    • Presence As Power Meditation

    • Module Five: Presence and Boundaries Writing Prompts

    • Higher Power May Live Call

    • Higher Power May Live Call [audio only]

    • *IMPORTANT* Reflections + Intentions Sheet [please don't skip this part!]

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    Module Six: JOY BODY

    • *IMPORTANT* Reflections + Intentions Sheet [please don't skip this part!]

    • Module Six Opening Prayer

    • Module Six Opening Prayer (audio only) + instructions

    • Intro to Joy Body, Mysticism + Psychic Power Audio [transcript below]

    • Anahata (Heart) Chakra Meditation

    • Intuition Audio Lesson [transcript below]

    • Module Six Tend to Your Energy Audio

    • June 19 LIVE CALL

    • June Reflection/Intention *IMPORTANT* Reflections + Intentions Sheet [please don't skip this part!]